Pulling a really good espresso shot with my Delonghi EC155

June 2014, Update:  Original article below for reference, but here’s my current settings.  I am now using Revolution Roasters Smooth Operator blend.  My grind setting is 8D AFTER calibrating my Preciso to use the second finest calibration.  I pull a double by grinding for 10 sec, tapping the portafilter down twice, then grinding for an additional 8 seconds, distributing, then tamping.

To brew, I turn the brew switch for 6 sec, then off for 10 sec, then on for 26 sec.  The shots are uniformly smooth, rich and wonderful.

So, I’ve been messing with my De’Longhi EC155
for 2 months now, and I’m to the point where I’m really happy and am consistently pulling a good espresso shot.  So, I thought I’d share with you all.  Here’s a little video I recorded of how I do it.  You can flame me all you want for the way I’m temp surfing, or that I’m using Lavazza Tierra!
beans, or whatever.  But, I’m producing a consistently good espresso shot this way.  So, if you don’t like it, go make your own video.

Oh, and if your wondering, this is the tamper I use.


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